
It’s our mission at Macquarie to nurture and empower you to reach your full potential, as well as prepare you for the future – whatever it may look like for you. So, we offer degrees that are not only flexible and designed with your future employability in mind, but degrees that are delivered on a campus that’s innovative and built for collaboration. We’ll help you develop your practical know-how alongside your technical skills, encourage you to experience new opportunities in Australia and across the globe, and assist you to build your networks with our industry and community partners – all things employers look upon favourably.

Why study at Macquarie?

Rankings success: Macquarie is ranked #1 in Sydney for teaching quality and learning resources1. We’re also ranked among the top 1 per cent of universities in the world2, with three subjects ranked in the top 50 globally and 7 in the top 100.

Degrees co-designed by industry: Many of our degrees are shaped by the latest industry trends and can be adjusted to respond to the needs of industry in real time.

Degrees with in-built work-integrated learning experiences: Practical experiences are built into all of our degrees, which means that when you graduate, you’ll have the knowledge and skills you’ll need to meet the current and future challenges of your chosen profession.

Personalised degrees: All universities offer double degrees, but we allow you to personalise your double degree by choosing the combination you consider will best kickstart your career.

1 QILT Student Experience Survey, 2022
2 QS World University Rankings by Subject, 2023

CRICOS provider number: 00002J
TEQSA provider ID: PRV12032


Phone: (02) 9850 6767

Email: futurestudents@mq.edu.au 

Website: Macquarie University website

Live Chat function: use our Live Chat

Macquarie University
North Ryde NSW 2109

Campus Locations

{[ campus.campusName ]}

{[ campus.streetAddr ]} {[ campus.suburb ]} {[ campus.state ]} {[ campus.postcode ]}


Important Dates


O Week (including Academic Advice)
Mid-Feb for session 1, 2024
Mid-July for session 2, 2024

Session 1: Monday 19 February to Friday 21 June 2024 
Session 2: Monday 22 July to Friday 22 November 2024

Open day

Macquarie University Open Day
Saturday 12 August 2023

Campus tours

You can never truly know if a uni is right for you until you visit in person and get a feel for the campus. At Macquarie University, we’re ready to help you get to know your future home. Visit our campus tour schedule.

Student Outcomes

The student outcomes display the overall undergraduate results for the institution.

{[ qiltData.ose_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.ogs_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.overall_emp ]}
{[ qiltData.median_grad_sal ]}
L/N: Low numbers – The number of survey responses are too low to display.
N/A: Data not available for this study area or institution.
Data source: ComparED website

No QILT data available for this institution.

For further information visit ComparED website

Policies and Services

Admission criteria

To be offered a place in a degree you must meet the degree’s entrance requirements and be selected in competition with other eligible applicants.

At Macquarie, we’re all about success. With Macquarie Entry, we recognise that students have different strengths, interests and personal circumstances, and so we look at a variety of criteria. To best help you follow your passion at Macquarie, we’ve created a simple entry program navigator that allows you to compare all of our entry programs to work out which ones suit you the best.

Applicants with recent secondary education

Australian Year 12 students

Admission is based on the selection rank you receive after completing your Australian Year 12 qualification or International Baccalaureate (IB) in 2023. The selection rank considers your ATAR or equivalent rank, plus any adjustment factors you’re eligible for.

Selection rank adjustments

Selection rank adjustments may allow you to receive an offer to a degree even though you have an ATAR below the published lowest selection rank. Macquarie University takes into account a number of adjustment factors when calculating your selection rank. For most participating degrees, your selection rank can be increased by up to 15 points.

For full information, refer to Macquarie University adjustment factors.

Equity-based factors
Educational Access Schemes

Macquarie recognises that life circumstances or events beyond your control can impact education, opportunity and achievement. That’s why we consider your individual situation. If you’ve experienced educational or social disadvantage, or other special circumstances, you may be eligible to receive up to five additional points.

Macquarie University EAS applications are processed centrally through UAC.

Achievement-based factors

The following factors recognise your record of accomplishment in a range of interest areas and activities:

Elite athlete and artistic performers scheme

If performing, training or competitive commitments have affected your HSC or study preparation, you may be eligible for selection rank adjustments under the Elite Athletes and Artistic Performers Scheme. Macquarie considers individual circumstances to determine if you’re eligible.

Academic advantage

Academic Advantage applies to the majority of Macquarie’s degrees and recognises your achievements in Year 12 subjects that relate to Macquarie’s degrees.

Depending on your performance, you may receive up to three additional points for each subject, up to a maximum of six points. UAC will automatically adjust your selection rank if a Macquarie University degree is listed in your preferences.

Big History scheme

You may be eligible to earn three additional points by completing our Big History: Connecting Knowledge MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), available through the COURSERA® platform.

Duke of Edinburgh, Queen’s Scout or Queen’s Guide Award scheme

If you’ve completed the Duke of Edinburgh, Queen’s Scout or Queen’s Guide programs, you may be eligible to receive up to six additional points. This adjustment factor scheme recognises your commitment, discipline and determination to venture outside of your comfort zone to excel and develop your interpersonal, employability and practical skills. Read about the Duke of Edinburgh, Queen’s Scout and Queen’s Guide Awards Scheme

Location-based factors
Regional entry scheme

If you’re from rural or regional Australia and don’t have access to the same resources as students in cities and larger towns, you may be eligible to receive up to nine additional points through the Regional Entry Scheme, depending on the remoteness of your primary residential postcode. This scheme applies to the majority of Macquarie’s degrees.

You can enter your postcode into the online calculator to estimate how many points you’re eligible for.

Catchment Adjustment factors

If you live in Macquarie’s catchment region, you may be eligible to receive five additional points.

Note: If you qualify for both Macquarie Catchment Adjustments and the Regional Entry Scheme, you’ll only receive adjustment factors for one, from whichever scheme awards you the highest amount. 

Read about Catchment Adjustment Factors.

Criteria that may apply in addition to ATAR

In addition to achieving the standard of performance required for admission, for certain degrees you must also satisfy any additional selection criteria, such as a personal statement, questionnaire, portfolio of work, audition, interview or test. These criteria are taken into account either instead of, or in conjunction with, your ATAR or equivalent.

Details of additional selection criteria and how you can meet these requirements are outlined in the degree descriptions.

If you’re undertaking your Year 12 studies outside of Australia and you’re applying for a degree that has additional selection criteria that you think you’ll find difficult to meet, contact Macquarie University.

Assumed knowledge

Assumed knowledge is specified in the degree descriptions. While it’s not a requirement for acceptance into a degree, you may find the degree difficult if you haven’t completed the specified HSC subjects.

Bridging courses

Our bridging courses provide learning support, a useful refresher and a solid foundation for your university studies.

Mathematics and statistics

The Numeracy Centre offers free help with the mathematics or statistics component of any first-year degree, including statistics, psychology, economics, physics, accounting, actuarial studies, electronics, biology, chemistry and mathematics. The centre works on a drop-in basis during the week and runs a variety of bridging courses at the beginning of every session.

The Numeracy Centre also offers a number of courses at the start of each year on a fee-paying basis.

Our Preparatory Course in Mathematics is an intensive course for students from various mathematical backgrounds who need to enrol in first-year mathematics units or who need a solid review of introductory mathematical concepts.

Two different streams are available. Review sessions are also run to refresh prerequisite knowledge early in the session.

For more information, visit the Numeracy centre website, call (02) 9850 8924 or email fse.numeracy@mq.edu.au.


Our chemistry bridging course is for students who are studying science at university but who didn’t study chemistry at HSC level, for those needing to gain confidence in chemistry, or for those students who want a refresher course in chemistry.

The course is excellent preparation for anyone interested in any of the following units:

  • CHEM1001 (Foundations of Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences 1)
  • CHEM1002 (Foundations of Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences 2)
  • BMOL1001 (Biomolecules)
  • BIOL1620 (Foundation in Medical Sciences)

For more information, email fse.molsci-reception@mq.edu.au or call (02) 9850 8275.


The physics bridging course prepares you for studies in physics, astronomy, engineering, medical sciences and related disciplines. It provides learning support, a useful refresher and a solid foundation for your university studies in science.

If you haven’t completed physics to HSC level or equivalent, this course is recommended to give you background knowledge to support your studies in:

  • PHYS1510/PHYS1520 or PHYS1020/PHYS1010
  • WPHY1510/ WPHY1520

It is also excellent preparation for:

  • PHYS1210 and a foundation for the GAMSAT
  • Foundations for engineering units such as MECH1001, CIVL1001, ENGG1000, ENGG1050.

For more information, contact fse.physacadmin@mq.edu.au or call (02) 9850 4244.

Read about Macquarie University bridging courses.

Other admission options

Macquarie Leaders and Achievers

The Macquarie Leaders and Achievers Early Entry Scheme considers your commitment to service, engagement and leadership, as well as your Year 11 school results.

If you’re selected for this scheme, Macquarie University will make you an early offer. You’ll also participate in exclusive activities while you’re still at school. The scheme is available for most Macquarie degrees.

Academic Entry Program

Our Academic Entry Program matches your strengths to our world-class degrees. The program considers your performance in individual subjects and matches your strengths to a degree that suits you.

We review your results for the NSW HSC Board Developed Courses (Category A subjects only) that correspond to select Macquarie degrees and make you an offer dependent on your performance in these subjects. The program is available for most Macquarie degrees.

Schools Recommendation Schemes

Macquarie University participates in the Schools Recommendation Scheme (SRS), which is processed centrally through UAC. SRS allows your school to recommend you for an early university offer. Your Year 11 academic achievements, as well as your school’s rating of your aptitude and learning ability, will be considered. If you are found to be suitable, you'll be made an early offer. The scheme is available for most Macquarie degrees, including some distance degrees.

Gifted and Talented Program

The Gifted and Talented Entry Program allows high-achieving students the opportunity to undertake Macquarie first-year units while in Years 11 and 12. If you successfully complete your units with the necessary marks, you may be eligible to receive an early offer for a select number of Macquarie degrees once you complete Year 12.

Limited ATAR

Under certain circumstances, you may be admitted based on a Limited ATAR.

Read about pathways to Macquarie University.

Applicants with higher education study

If you’ve previously undertaken tertiary studies, you’ll be considered for selection on the basis of your overall record of academic merit – for both secondary and tertiary study. If you have tertiary award studies but you haven’t completed a Year 12 certificate, you’ll be considered for selection on the basis of your tertiary rank.

Previous Macquarie University students

If you’re a Macquarie student applying to return to the same undergraduate degree, you may apply via UAC. If you’ve been previously excluded from Macquarie University you must apply as a new applicant via UAC.

Admission is competitively based on academic merit. We recommend that you undertake further studies to improve your academic performance to gain entry into your desired program. 

Applicants with vocational education and training (VET) study

If you’ve completed a specified diploma or advanced diploma, you could be eligible for articulation into a limited range of Macquarie degrees.

Other entry programs
Macquarie University College

Macquarie University College offers diplomas that will help you transition into university study. Developed specifically to meet Macquarie’s entry requirements, the College offers four diplomas that are designed so that upon successful completion you can go straight from your pathway studies into the second year of your chosen Macquarie University bachelor degree, provided you meet the entry criteria.

If you don’t receive a competitive offer based on your academic ranking, Macquarie University offers other pathways to degree study.

Next Step

Next Step allows you to study Macquarie units and, if completed successfully, get credit towards your chosen bachelor degree even if you don’t have the required ATAR or equivalent for entry. This program allows you to articulate into a number of Macquarie degrees.

Open Universities Australia

Open Universities Australia allows you to study Macquarie units at your own pace, building towards a full Macquarie degree. Study is completely online for most units and is open to students with an ATAR below entry requirement or even no ATAR at all.

Applicants with work and life experience (including those who left secondary education more than two years ago)

If your highest level of education is the Higher School Certificate (or equivalent), you’ll be assessed on the basis of those results.

Some courses require you to attend an interview. Visit the Macquarie University Coursefinder to learn more about entry requirements for your course.

If you don’t have adequate formal education qualifications, but you do have informal learning and work experience, you can submit a portfolio for entry into a diploma or foundation program offered by Macquarie University College.


If the above entry programs don't meet your personal circumstance you will have options. Explore the following pathways:

  • diploma, foundation and intensive programs
  • internal transfer programs (enrol in a course with a lower ATAR and transfer into your desired course)
  • Next Step pathway (study Macquarie units and, if completed successfully, get credit towards your chosen course even if you don’t have the required ATAR or equivalent for entry into a bachelor course)
  • Open Universities Australia (study Macquarie University units online and at your own pace, building towards a full Macquarie degree)
  • Special Tertiary Admissions Test.

Applicants with overseas qualifications

If you’re an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia with overseas qualifications, check the commonly accepted overseas secondary qualifications.

Alternatively, you can seek information about eligibility for admission to Macquarie University before submitting an application through UAC. If you apply on the basis of overseas qualifications, you may be required to sit an English language proficiency test.

First Nations applicants

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Entry Pathway is an equity initiative aimed at increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation within bachelor degrees. It provides opportunities to Indigenous Australians who may not have completed their HSC or acquired a necessary selection rank for entry into their degree of choice.

This pathway involves a two-stage process: an online application and then a face-to-face interview. Offers will be made according to merit, based on demonstrated capacity and readiness to undertake university study.

Applicants are encouraged to contact the Indigenous Student Support Officer prior to applying, call (02) 9850 8624.

How to apply

Apply through UAC.


Acceptance of offer

New undergraduate students will have the opportunity to enrol online in their first year at Macquarie. Information and enrolment instructions for new students are available on Macquarie’s enrolment website.

Orientation takes place the week before classes begin and is the best way to find out what university life has to offer. The day is run entirely by Macquarie’s student volunteers, Mentors@Macquarie, who take new students through the basics of university and help ease the transition into university life. Read about orientation and assistance with the transition into university life.

Advanced standing

If you are seeking recognition for prior learning, you must complete an application and provide the relevant supporting evidence. Visit .


Deferment is available to all applicants (excluding other specific degrees), for up to one year only. Diploma, foundation and intensive program students can defer their offer for one term. The offer will lapse if tertiary studies (e.g. Certificate IV and above, university studies) are undertaken during the deferment period.

Fees and charges

Visit the Macquarie University for information about course fees. All students must pay a student contribution for a Commonwealth-supported place (CSP). Payment of a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) is compulsory for most students.

Financial Assistance

Youth and student allowances

For details on Youth Allowance, Austudy and ABSTUDY, visit Services Australia website.


The Student Loan Scheme provides assistance to students who are unable to finance basic needs while studying.

Equity Scholarships

Macquarie University offers a range of Equity Scholarships as well as scholarships under the Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP). These are open to all eligible students applying to, or enrolled at, Macquarie University. All Macquarie Equity and ISSP Scholarships applications are processed centrally through UAC.

Macquarie University Equity Scholarship offerings are under review. Read about scholarships for up-to-date information.

Other scholarships

The University offers several prizes and scholarships. Read about the scholarships available.

Where to get further information

  • Macquarie University – Macquarie University Institute's Profile
  • TEQSA national register – The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) is Australia's independent national quality assurance and regulatory agency for higher education
  • ComparED – The ComparED website provides prospective students with transparent institution information from recent graduates and current students views.
  • Study Assist – Information for students about government assistance for financing tertiary study.
  • Tertiary Admission Centre: UAC (NSW & ACT)

Student Profile

The table below gives an indication of the likely peer cohort for new students at the institution. It provides data on all students who commenced undergraduate study in the most relevant recent intake period, including those admitted through all offer rounds, across all Australian campuses, and international students studying in Australia.

For more information about the Student Profile, please visit Student Profile explained.

Applicant background Session one intake 2023
Number of students No. of students Percentage of all students % of all students
(A) Higher education study 686 8.5%
(B) Vocational education and training (VET) study 174 2.2%
(C) Work and life experience 190 2.4%
(D) Recent secondary education    
  • Admitted solely on the basis of ATAR
965 11.9%
  • Admitted where both ATAR and additional criteria were considered
49 0.6%
  • Admitted on the basis of other criteria only and ATAR was not a factor
4911 60.7%
(E) International students 1110 13.7%
All students 8085 100%

<5   - the number of students is less than 5

N/A - Students not accepted in this category

N/P - Not published to prevent calculation of numbers in cells with less than 5 students

There are no undergraduate courses listed. Please visit the institutions website for more information.

Courses {[ results.all.length ]}

{[ course._source.admissionCentre ]} code: Institution code: {[ course._source.courseCodeTac ]}

Showing {[ results.from ]}-{[ results.hits.length ]} of {[ results.total ]} courses

Show more courses

Sorry, we could not find any results matching your filters

Student outcomes
at Macquarie University
{[ qiltData.ose_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.ogs_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.overall_emp ]}
{[ qiltData.median_grad_sal ]}
{[ qiltData.ose_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.ogs_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.overall_emp ]}
{[ qiltData.median_grad_sal ]}
L/N: Low numbers – The number of survey responses are too low to display.
N/A: Data not available for this study area or institution.
Data source: ComparED website
No QILT data is available for this institution.
For further information visit ComparED website
{[ selectedQilt.study_area_name ]}
at Macquarie University

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ose_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ogs_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.overall_emp_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.median_grad_sal_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ose_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ogs_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.overall_emp_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.median_grad_sal_sa ]}

L/N: Low numbers – The number of survey responses are too low to display.

N/A: Data not available for this study area or institution.

Data source: ComparED website

No QILT data available for this study area.
For further information visit ComparED website