
Course Seeker aims to list all undergraduate courses offered by higher education providers in Australia. Undergraduate usually refers to a student studying their first degree. Completing an undergraduate course leads to the award of a diploma, advanced diploma, associate degree, or - most commonly - a bachelor degree. Undergraduate courses can be studied at university or at private higher education providers.

Qualification Description
Undergraduate Certificate An undergraduate course with a six month duration. Undergraduate certificates create knowledge and skills for further study, professional upskilling and employment. An undergraduate certificate also counts as six months’ full time study towards a further undergraduate qualification. This could range from a higher education diploma, to a bachelor’s degree.


A diploma is an option if you’re focused on gaining knowledge you can apply directly to the workplace. Diplomas focus on practical skills and technical expertise to prepare you for work in your chosen area. With many paths to entry, diplomas may be suitable for you if you’re looking to start a professional career, or to continue learning.
Advanced Diploma Like a diploma, an advanced diploma will focus on practical skills and technical expertise to prepare you for work in your chosen area. The difference between a diploma and an advanced diploma is the extra study time to undertake more advanced learning.  
Associate Degree

An associate degree will prepare you for a career as a paraprofessional or highly-skilled worker, or for further study in your field. Associate degrees focus on preparing you for work with hands-on and practical learning. You can use associate degrees as a pathway into a bachelor’s degree in the same or a closely related field.

Bachelor's Degree / Bachelor's Pass Bachelor’s degrees are the main undergraduate courses offered in higher education. They provide a broad understanding of the underlying principles and concepts relating to specific or general bodies of knowledge. They prepare students for entry to particular professions, vocations and/or postgraduate study. It usually takes 3 years of full-time study to complete a bachelor’s degree, with some complex courses taking up to 5 years.
Bachelor's Honours Many bachelor’s degrees offer a specialised honours year after you complete a degree. You’ll complete a thesis or research project to gain specialised knowledge in your chosen area. Doing an honours year can improve your employment prospects and can lead to postgraduate research study.

Bachelor’s Graduate Entry

These courses are for students who have extensive prior knowledge of the field they are studying. Bachelor’s graduate entry courses can be a shorter alternative to the standard four year (or longer) bachelor’s degree. They take at least two years to complete.
Graduate Certificate A postgraduate course with a six month duration. Graduate certificates provide knowledge and skills for further study, professional upskilling and employment.  A graduate certificate also counts as six months’ full time study towards a further postgraduate qualification, like a masters’ degree.

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

VET prepares students for trades, crafts and careers at various course levels. Training focuses on developing specific skills and knowledge required for particular industries.

VET qualifications include certificates I – IV, diplomas, advanced diplomas, graduate certificates and graduate diplomas. For further information relating to VET courses, visit the My Skills website.

myskills logo

My Skills website is the national directory of VET organisations and courses.

Visit My Skills Website

Postgraduate Study

Postgraduate study normally refers to courses available to students who have already completed an undergraduate degree. When you undertake postgraduate study, you can be awarded a graduate certificate, graduate diploma, postgraduate diploma, master’s degree or a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD or doctorate). There are two main types of postgraduate study:

  • Research requires the student to carry out supervised research over an extensive amount of time (2 or more years). The student will then complete a thesis (a written theory) or a major piece of work. PhDs, doctorates and some master’s degrees can be gained through research.
  • Coursework requires the student to attend lectures and classes over a period of time between six months and three years. A student can gain a postgraduate certificate, postgraduate diploma or master’s degree through coursework.

For more information about qualifications in Australia, visit the Australian Qualifications Framework.

Recognised Prior Learning

Have you completed previous study or gained work experience in your chosen field? Do you have other life experience relevant to your proposed studies? If so, you could be eligible for credit for prior learning.

Advanced standing, credit transfer, credit for prior learning and recognition of prior learning (RPL) are all terms related to the process of having your existing skills and knowledge (your learning) evaluated against the outcomes of a qualification, programme, course, module or assessment standard.

If your skills and knowledge meet some or all of the learning outcomes of a course, you could get credit towards a qualification, program, course, module or assessment standard. This means that you may not have to repeat learning you've already completed, and can get your qualification faster.

Information about each provider’s credit recognition policies and assessment procedures is available on their individual Course Seeker provider page.

To find out if you could be eligible and how to apply, please contact the provider that you are hoping to study at, or check the provider’s website for more information.

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