
For almost 30 years, EQUALS has delivered innovative, quality education and development opportunities to people all over the world.

Our courses are designed to meet industry needs and expectations, leading our students to high rates of meaningful graduate employment in Australia and internationally. 

EQUALS offers a service oriented approach to education and care; we strive to care for the whole person, empowering students with the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes required to succeed in the world of work.  We embrace people with diverse learning styles and offer a rich diversity of culture across our campuses.

Since our inception in 1991, our vision to develop the latent potentialities of individuals and organisations has seen us expand in Australia and various parts of the world delivering both accredited and non-accredited courses addressing the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional aspects of life.

Our accredited courses span a range of disciplines including Health and Human Services, Nursing, Pathology, Dental Assisting, Integrative Health and Remedial Therapies, Community Services, Ageing, Disability, Early Childhood Education and Care, Leadership and Management. 

We welcome you to have an EQUALS experience.


Phone:  08 8110 1200
              1 300 889 939 

Email: admissions@equals.edu.au

Website: visit the
EQUALS International website

Campus Locations

{[ campus.campusName ]}

{[ campus.streetAddr ]} {[ campus.suburb ]} {[ campus.state ]} {[ campus.postcode ]}


Important Dates

The Academic Calendar is available on our website.

Student Outcomes

The student outcomes display the overall undergraduate results for the institution.

{[ qiltData.ose_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.ogs_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.overall_emp ]}
{[ qiltData.median_grad_sal ]}
L/N: Low numbers – The number of survey responses are too low to display.
N/A: Data not available for this study area or institution.
Data source: ComparED website

No QILT data available for this institution.

For further information visit ComparED website

Policies and Services

Admission criteria

Applicant background
Please read the following to find admission information most useful to your individual circumstances.

Higher education study

For those applicants whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education (school) is an accredited higher education provider (including university).

Vocational education and training (VET) study

For those applicants whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education (school) is an accredited VET course.

Work and life experience

For those applicants who left secondary education (school) more than two years ago and have not undertaken any VET or higher education study since then.
Adult and Mature Aged Entry (applicants with work and life experience)

Demonstrated ability to undertake study at the required level:
• broadly relevant work experience (documented e.g. CV), demonstrating a reasonable likelihood of success; OR
• formal, informal or non-formal study, completed or partially completed, demonstrating a reasonable likelihood of success; OR
• written submission to demonstrate reasonable likelihood of success.

Recent secondary education

Applicants whose admission is based mostly on secondary education completed at school, TAFE or other VET or higher education provider (Australian or overseas equivalent) that was/will be completed int he current year or within the previous two years.

School leavers and applicants with recent secondary education (within the past two years)

(for applicants who will be selected wholly or partly on the basis of ATAR)
Year 12 or equivalent with ATAR 65 (or equivalent)

Non-School Leavers

A completed higher education qualification at AQF level IV (Certificate IV) or above, or
equivalent, from a registered training organisation (RTO) or another accredited higher education provider
Successful completion of at least 1 EFTSL (equivalent full-time student load, or one full year) of an AQF level 6 (Associate Degree) or above, or
equivalent, from an Australian University or another accredited higher education provider

Special Entry

Applicants in any category whose study, work or life experiences have been impacted by disability, illness or family disruption will be given special consideration for admission. Each application will be considered on its merit, based on the evidence supplied by the applicant attesting to the circumstances of the applicant. Applicants for special entry may need to complete written or numerical tasks to assist with assessing eligibility for admission.

All applicants will participate in an admissions interview in person or via a web based video meeting. This is an important opportunity to meet an Admissions Advisor who will spend time understanding your application and career goals for academic consideration. It is also an ideal opportunity to ask questions and learn more about student life at EQUALS.

Applicants with higher education study

See Admission Criteria section

Recognition of prior learning

If you have completed formal studies in a similar area or have work experience you may be eligible for credit through a recognition for prior learning pathway.

The Credit for Prior Learning Policy and Procedure can be found on our Policies and Procedures page along with an application form.

If you wish to be granted credit for prior study or learning, please apply for credit for recognition of prior learning on the associated form with your application for enrolment.

Completed bridging or enabling course

See Admission Criteria section

Applicants with vocational education and training (VET) study

See Admission Criteria section

Applicants with work and life experience

Finished secondary education more than two years ago, See Admission Criteria section

Bridging and enabling course entry

See Admission Criteria section

Employment experience

See Admission Criteria section

Applicants with a recent secondary education (within the past two years)

Australian Year 12 students, see Admission Criteria section

Selection rank adjustments

Equity adjustments

Applicants in any category whose study, work or life experiences have been impacted by disability, illness or family disruption will be given special consideration for admission. Each application will be considered on its merit, based on the evidence supplied by the applicant attesting to the circumstances of the applicant. Applicants for special entry may need to complete written or numerical tasks to assist with assessing eligibility for admission.

All applicants will participate in an admissions interview in person or via a web based video meeting. This is an important opportunity to meet an Admissions Advisor who will spend time understanding your application and career goals for academic consideration. It is also an ideal opportunity to ask questions and learn more about student life at EQUALS.

Other admission options

A variety of admissions pathways are provided. Please refer to the Admissions Criteria section.

Interstate or overseas Year 12

A variety of admissions pathways are provided. Please refer to the Admissions Criteria section.

Additional information

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

A variety of admissions pathways are provided. Please refer to the Admissions Criteria section.

Domestic applications with overseas qualifications

A variety of admissions pathways are provided. Please refer to the Admissions Criteria section.

How to apply

Direct application to the institution.

Please feel free to Ask a Question to find out more, or if you’re ready, please submit an online Application for enrolment.

If you have any questions about this course please feel free to contact an Admissions Advisor atadmissions@equals.edu.au providing your preferred contact details and we will get back to you as soon as practicable. Expressions of Interest for a particular course of study can be made at any time.


Advanced standing

If you have completed formal studies in a similar area or have work experience you may be eligible for credit through a recognition for prior learning pathway. The Credit for Prior Learning Policy and Procedure can be found on our Policies and Procedures page along with an application form. If you wish to be granted credit for prior study or learning, please apply for credit for recognition of prior learning on the associated form with your application for enrolment.


Students may apply to take a leave of absence from a course (defer) for up to 12 months in duration. International students can only access a leave of absence during a course in limited circumstances (compassionate and compelling circumstances) including:

  • Serious illness or injury, where a medical certificate states that the student was unable to attend classes
  • Instances where EQUALS is unable to offer a prerequisite unit
  • An intervention strategy for students at risk of not meeting satisfactory course progress
  • Bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents
  • Major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country that require emergency travel and this has impacted on the student’s studies
  • A traumatic experience which could include:
  • Involvement in, or witnessing of a serious accident, or
  • Witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime, and this has impacted on the student (these cases should be supported by police or psychologists’ reports)
  • Inability to begin due to a delay in receiving a student visa. For more details please refer to Deferral, Suspension, Cancellation and Withdrawal Policy and Procedure.

Fees and charges
EQUALS adopts a ‘One Fee’ approach to tuition fees. This means that most additional incidental costs (other than those specified in the annual Fee Schedule) are covered in the comprehensive ‘one’ tuition fee. This makes budgeting and paying for your studies simpler. For example, the following fees are included in the one fee and not levied separately.

The 2020 tuition fee for each unit in this course is:

  • $2,163 for domestic students
  • $2,596 for international students

The full time indicative 2020 annual course fee for domestic students is:

  • $17,304 for full time standard study mode (for 2 trimesters of 4 units)
  • $25,956 for full time accelerated study mode (for 3 trimesters of 4 units)

The full time indicative 2020 annual course fee for international students is:

  • $20,768 for full time standard study mode (for 2 trimesters of 4 units)
  • $31,152 for full time accelerated study mode (for 3 trimesters of 4 units)

GST is not applicable for accredited higher education courses. Tuition fees are subject to annual review and adjustment. Actual tuition fees payable are the fees published prior to the commencement of each academic year for that year. The current Fee Schedule (Tuition and Non-Tuition) can be found on the provided link or on the Forms and Downloads page.

Financial assistance

Loans and Scholarships

Please contact the Institution for information about Loans and Scholarships.

Student and campus services

EQUALS staff are available to support you, both before you enrol and following your enrolment. You can contact us on +61 (0)8 8110 1200 or alternatively contact a Student Services Advisor via email atstudentservices@equals.edu.au.

Our support services include:

  • academic issues
  • general study assistance
  • disability support
  • pastoral care (including help with personal, social issues)
  • student grants
  • scholarships
  • study allowances and financial support (including child care assistance)
  • special needs assistance and
  • hardship related issues.

Additional external information can be found at the following websites:

  • Austudy provides financial support to eligible Australian students
  • Abstudy provides financial support to eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
  • Being Well – Headspace is the national youth mental health foundation dedicated to improving the wellbeing of young Australians.
  • Student Start Up Loans provides information regarding financial assistance with initial study costs.
  • Student Payments and Scholarships outlines information from the Study Assist site, on payments and scholarships
  • Study Assist provides information for students about Australian Government help for tertiary study, including information about subsidised fees and government loans.
  • Youth Disability Supplement providing information for young students living with different abilities.

Where to get further information

  • EQUALS – EQUALS International's Institute Profile
  • TEQSA national register – The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) is Australia's independent national quality assurance and regulatory agency for higher education
  • ComparED – The ComparED website provides prospective students with transparent institution information from recent graduates and current students views.
  • Study Assist– Information for students about government assistance for financing tertiary study.

There are no undergraduate courses listed. Please visit the institutions website for more information.

Courses {[ results.all.length ]}

{[ course._source.admissionCentre ]} code: Institution code: {[ course._source.courseCodeTac ]}

Showing {[ results.from ]}-{[ results.hits.length ]} of {[ results.total ]} courses

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Student outcomes
at EQUALS International
{[ qiltData.ose_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.ogs_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.overall_emp ]}
{[ qiltData.median_grad_sal ]}
{[ qiltData.ose_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.ogs_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.overall_emp ]}
{[ qiltData.median_grad_sal ]}
L/N: Low numbers – The number of survey responses are too low to display.
N/A: Data not available for this study area or institution.
Data source: ComparED website
No QILT data is available for this institution.
For further information visit ComparED website
{[ selectedQilt.study_area_name ]}
at EQUALS International

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ose_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ogs_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.overall_emp_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.median_grad_sal_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ose_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ogs_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.overall_emp_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.median_grad_sal_sa ]}

L/N: Low numbers – The number of survey responses are too low to display.

N/A: Data not available for this study area or institution.

Data source: ComparED website

No QILT data available for this study area.
For further information visit ComparED website