Australasian College of Health & Wellness

Australasian College of Health & Wellness logo


Study at the Australasian College of Health & Wellness, and advance your career in paramedical, allied health, and advanced beauty and aesthetics settings, with their specially developed courses in Applied Health Science. 

Tipped to set the benchmark for dermal and aesthetics education, ACHW is all about offering students the right combination of science and clinical practice. Their courses offer a blended learning experience, with the majority of course content conveniently delivered online, as well as a practical three-day workshop presented in Sydney.

ACHW’s courses are nationally recognised and offer the highest level of tertiary education available in the field. Get the confidence, skills and right qualification to succeed in the rapidly evolving health and wellness industry.


Phone: 1300 227 603


Website: visit the
Australasian College of Health & Wellness website

Campus Locations

{[ campus.campusName ]}

{[ campus.streetAddr ]} {[ campus.suburb ]} {[ campus.state ]} {[ campus.postcode ]}

Student Outcomes

The student outcomes display the overall undergraduate results for the institution.

{[ qiltData.ose_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.ogs_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.overall_emp ]}
{[ qiltData.median_grad_sal ]}
L/N: Low numbers – The number of survey responses are too low to display.
N/A: Data not available for this study area or institution.
Data source: ComparED website

No QILT data available for this institution.

For further information visit ComparED website

Policies and Services

Admission criteria

Applicants with higher education study

The following is required to gain entry into ACHW degree programs:

1. Applicant must be over 18.

2. Demonstrated ability to manage the academic rigours of a bachelor degree, evidence to demonstrate this includes:

  • completion of a Higher School Certificate with an ATAR of 65 or above; or
  • completion of a tertiary qualification of Certificate IV or above.

3. For applicants who are not able to demonstrate their academic skills, ACHW will also consider other documentation which demonstrates their academic and time management skills from formal studies, workplace activities or research.

4. Applicants who are unable to demonstrate their academic study skills, may be required to complete an Academic Study Skills Test.

5. Further to the above, all applicants participate in an interview which may be over the phone or in person. The aim of this interview is to:

  • determine the applicant’s career and professional goals
  • determine the applicant’s suitability for the course (e.g. review their academic study skills).
Recognition of prior learning

Students are responsible for providing detailed evidence of their previous informal and non-formal learning and their capability in the relevant outcomes. An evaluation against the subject and or course learning outcomes will be undertaken to determine this. Please download the Credit and recognition of learning policy (pdf) for additional information.

Applicants with vocational education and training (VET) study

Completion of a tertiary qualification of Certificate IV or above. See details above.

Applicants with work and life experience

ACHW will also consider any other documentation which demonstrates your academic and time management skills including from formal studies, workplace activities or research. If you are unable to demonstrate your academic study skills, you may be required to complete an Academic Study Skills Test. Students applying for credit based on formal learning must provide:

  • certified AQF qualification testamur issued by an accredited provider;
  • certified formal academic transcript issued by an accredited provider;
  • certified statement of attainment issued by an accredited provider;
  • certified overseas qualification issued by a provider listed on the AEI NOOSR Country Education.

Profiles and a syllabus copy detailing the learning outcomes and assessments undertaken.

All supporting documentation must be in English and certified. Students applying for credit based on informal or non-formal learning must provide evidence of their capability such as:

  • curriculum vitae;
  • employment references or letters including name, contact details and relationship (this must be on a business letterhead);
  • client references or testimonials including name and contact details (these cannot be friends or family members);
  • position descriptions or other documents detailing roles, tasks and achievements;
  • outcomes of performance reviews;
  • portfolios containing samples of work;
  • certificates from professional development, short course and non-award courses; and/or
  • other documentation or evidence requested by the assessor.

All supporting documentation must be in English and certified.

Finished secondary education more than two years ago

See above for details.

Applicants with a recent secondary education (within the past two years)

ATAR and other Interstate or overseas Year 12

Completion of a higher school certificate with an ATAR of 65 or above.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

We welcome and encourage applicants from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds. Applicants from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds will be supported with any Government initiatives that are available to provide them with help to complete their studies.

Domestic applications with overseas qualifications

Students who have completed their studies in English will be considered under our standard application criteria.

English language requirements

Students who have completed their studies overseas are required to achieve an IELTS score of 6, with minimum of 6 across all bands

How to apply

You can apply directly to ACHW. Complete the online application form. We’ll then contact you within 2 business days to inform you of the outcome of your application. Applications for admission to a course shall be made on the prescribed form and lodged in the manner prescribed on the form. ACHW Admissions Policy.


Acceptance of offer

Based on the documentation provided and subject to the application meeting the published entrance criteria, a written offer of a place in the course will be made to the applicant. Offers will be made to successful applicants in the order that applications are received up to the maximum number of places available in the course. Acceptance of an offer of a place shall be taken to constitute acceptance by the applicant of all published Policies and Procedures of ACHW.

Advanced standing

See above for details under the section called Recognition of Prior Learning.


You can withdraw or defer your enrolment in a unit of study at any time before the census date. If you withdraw on or before the census date for a unit of study you will not incur a FEE-HELP debt and you will receive a refund for any up-front tuition fees that were made on or before the census date. For further information, please refer to our Withdrawal, Deferral and Refunds Policy.

Fees and charges

Please contact ACHW for details on fees.

Financial assistance


Students who are Australian citizens qualify for FEE-HELP. Australasian College of Health and Wellness (ACHW) is an approved FEE-HELP provider and offers fee paying places within its undergraduate higher education courses. Eligible students may elect to defer all or part of their tuition fees by accessing the Commonwealth Government’s Higher Education Loan Program (HELP).

Where to get further information

Student Profile

The table below gives an indication of the likely peer cohort for new students at the institution. It provides data on all students who commenced undergraduate study in the most relevant recent intake period, including those admitted through all offer rounds, across all Australian campuses, and international students studying in Australia.

For more information about the Student Profile, please visit Student Profile explained.

Applicant background Full intake year 2019
Number of students No. of students Percentage of all students % of all students
(A) Higher education study 38 15%
(B) Vocational education and training (VET) study 182 73%
(C) Work and life experience 13 5%
(D) Recent secondary education    
  • Admitted solely on the basis of ATAR
5 2%
  • Admitted where both ATAR and additional criteria were considered
0 0%
  • Admitted on the basis of other criteria only and ATAR was not a factor
0 0%
(E) International students 0 0%
All students 238 100%

<5   - the number of students is less than 5

N/A - Students not accepted in this category

N/P - Not published to prevent calculation of numbers in cells with less than 5 students

There are no undergraduate courses listed. Please visit the institutions website for more information.

Courses {[ results.all.length ]}

{[ course._source.admissionCentre ]} code: Institution code: {[ course._source.courseCodeTac ]}

Showing {[ results.from ]}-{[ results.hits.length ]} of {[ ]} courses

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Student outcomes
at Australasian College of Health & Wellness
{[ qiltData.ose_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.ogs_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.overall_emp ]}
{[ qiltData.median_grad_sal ]}
{[ qiltData.ose_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.ogs_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.overall_emp ]}
{[ qiltData.median_grad_sal ]}
L/N: Low numbers – The number of survey responses are too low to display.
N/A: Data not available for this study area or institution.
Data source: ComparED website
No QILT data is available for this institution.
For further information visit ComparED website
{[ selectedQilt.study_area_name ]}
at Australasian College of Health & Wellness

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ose_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ogs_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.overall_emp_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.median_grad_sal_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ose_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ogs_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.overall_emp_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.median_grad_sal_sa ]}

L/N: Low numbers – The number of survey responses are too low to display.

N/A: Data not available for this study area or institution.

Data source: ComparED website

No QILT data available for this study area.
For further information visit ComparED website