Asia Pacific International College

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Asia Pacific International College (APIC) is a dynamic Australian higher education institute offering undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses in business, project management and information systems. Our campuses are located in Sydney and Melbourne.  

APIC is a transformational, challenge-based and distinctive higher education provider. Our primary objective is to provide, foster, and promote academic and professional capital in each individual student in a nurturing, safe and encouraging environment that fosters creativity and growth.

APIC develops and delivers action learning and action research that transforms individuals, business and society by enabling the collaborative development of solutions to real-world challenges.

We equip the leaders of tomorrow with the right tools to make a difference in society through their chosen vocations and skills to assume positions of responsibilities in both business and society. Our alumni work all through Australia, South East Asia and the Americas.

APIC is an endorsed member institution of the Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM). The Bachelor of Business has a sequence of study that is recognised by CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (Chartered Accountants ANZ).


Phone : (02) 8319 2100

Email: Email Us

Website: visit the 
Asia Pacific International College website.

Campus Locations

{[ campus.campusName ]}

{[ campus.streetAddr ]} {[ campus.suburb ]} {[ campus.state ]} {[ campus.postcode ]}

Student Outcomes

The student outcomes display the overall undergraduate results for the institution.

{[ qiltData.ose_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.ogs_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.overall_emp ]}
{[ qiltData.median_grad_sal ]}
L/N: Low numbers – The number of survey responses are too low to display.
N/A: Data not available for this study area or institution.
Data source: ComparED website

No QILT data available for this institution.

For further information visit ComparED website

There are no undergraduate courses listed. Please visit the institutions website for more information.

Courses {[ results.all.length ]}

{[ course._source.admissionCentre ]} code: Institution code: {[ course._source.courseCodeTac ]}

Showing {[ results.from ]}-{[ results.hits.length ]} of {[ ]} courses

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Student outcomes
at Asia Pacific International College
{[ qiltData.ose_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.ogs_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.overall_emp ]}
{[ qiltData.median_grad_sal ]}
{[ qiltData.ose_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.ogs_pc ]}
{[ qiltData.overall_emp ]}
{[ qiltData.median_grad_sal ]}
L/N: Low numbers – The number of survey responses are too low to display.
N/A: Data not available for this study area or institution.
Data source: ComparED website
No QILT data is available for this institution.
For further information visit ComparED website
{[ selectedQilt.study_area_name ]}
at Asia Pacific International College

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ose_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ogs_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.overall_emp_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.median_grad_sal_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ose_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.ogs_pc_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.overall_emp_sa ]}

{[ qiltStudyAreaData.median_grad_sal_sa ]}

L/N: Low numbers – The number of survey responses are too low to display.

N/A: Data not available for this study area or institution.

Data source: ComparED website

No QILT data available for this study area.
For further information visit ComparED website